Pages and subpage references are also programmable. In addition to static design elements such as graphics and lines, VT Pro-e provides a number of programmable objects for Web browsers, including buttons, sliders and gauges. The easiest method, requiring no knowledge of HTML, ActiveX or Java, is to create a Web browser project using VisionTools Pro-e, Crestron's page design software. The SDK contains Java components and ActiveX controls, routines and documentation for creating custom Web-based interfaces that can communicate with Crestron hardware.
For software programmers, Crestron includes an SDK ( software developer's kit) as part of the CNX Gateway installation package. There are a number of ways to create e-Control Web pages. Similarly, the signals on the input side of the symbol are sent by the control system as feedback to the Web browser/PC.
The e-Control PC Interface symbol is defined like an Ethernet touchpanel for example, the signals on the output side of the symbol function identically to the outputs of a touchpanel, except that here they correspond to Web browser/PC commands such as key presses and mouse clicks. In this way, the Web browser or PC becomes a custom interface that can control network devices and receive feedback from the control system. The e-Control PC Interface symbol allows users on a LAN to access the control system with a Web browser or standalone desktop application.